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Categoria: Sustainability & Food tech


Grazie allo straordinario progetto realizzato con Carrefour Italia. Il sistema di assistenza durante il processo di acquisto ha rivoluzionato l'approccio alla spesa digitale.

Un concorso che ha portato all'esposizione di soluzioni all'avanguardia nell'ambito dell' #ArtificialIntelligence, contribuendo così a modellare il futuro della tecnologia. Iniziative di questo tipo mettono in luce l'importanza di promuovere sinergie tra imprese e generazioni diverse, stimolando così un circolo virtuoso di innovazione e apprendimento.

AI al servizio dei clienti
Allo scopo di migliorare la customer experience (eCommerce e Drive to Store), Carrefour Italia sta sviluppando, insieme alla start up Digitiamo, un servizio che permetta, tramite “Generative AI”, di velocizzare e soddisfare i bisogni dei clienti in modo immediato sfruttando le potenzialità dell’intelligenza artificiale. Si tratta di una chat interattiva in grado di interagire con i clienti grazie alla tecnologia Generative AI, che a partire dalle richieste o descrizioni formulate dall’utente genera di conseguenza testi o immagini personalizzati. Il software più diffuso che utilizza questa tecnologia è ChatGPT. 

Call promoted by the Lombardy region. The measure aims to intercept technological development projects which have reached a certain degree of technical and scientific maturity, possibly combined with process innovation activities, in order to promote the technological and digital transformation of the production processes of Lombardy SMEs, facilitating a competitive repositioning thanks to the achievement of a higher potential in terms of productivity and attractiveness.


The project has allowed DIGITIAMO to develop a tool that supports the creation of optimized SEO content, solving the problem of making publishing production costs more efficient.

This project was carried out under Axis I "Strengthening research, technological development and innovation" - Objective "Increasing business innovation activity" - Action I.1.b.1.2

On the occasion of the annual Italian Tech Awards 2031 - ex Premio Marzotto - the innovative product-related project Ai Know You received the Cisco Special Award. 

"Award dedicated to a startup that offers innovative solutions and products in the ICT/IOT tech sector for the Transformation 4.0 of companies that aim at sustainability and the definition of circular business models through digital. These companies are offered a special support and mentorship program of flexible duration based on the co-innovation project. "

The Quixa project with the innovative product Ai Know You developed in 2021 won the award in the "most effective Web Service" category thanks to the Quixa chatbot project.  QUIXA Assicurazioni S.p.A. is the digital insurance of the AXA Italia Group, a platform dedicated to alternative distribution channels and e-commerce, serving about 300,000 customers, with over 110 million premiums and a team of about 200 employees. Thanks to the optimization of virtual customer service through chatbots, it has achieved an improvement in the management of requests and managed to meet 40% automatically.

It’s first prize for the Quixa Business Case with the optimization of the virtual customer assistant to the Customer Management Multimedia Competence. In particular, he won the award for "Sales and renewal processes with chat and bot integrated". CMMC is an initiative that, since 1997, aggregates companies that deal with relationships and experience with customers through multimedia channels and facilitates the comparison between managers who operate along the supply chain, enhancing their professionalism.

Digit wins the first acceleration program promoted by Covisian. This initiative has the aim of attracting the most innovative technological startups, able to provide Customer Management and CRM solutions, and facilitate matching with the major Italian market leaders.

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